How to monitor the system temperature of a Windows 10 system with PRTG

Three days ago I set up 4 low-cost Windows 10 tablets to become cheap monitoring stations in my private home. Yesterday I added custom sensors to monitor the quality of my wireless network.

Today I added sensors that are getting the built-in system temperature from the tablets.

Again I am using a Exe/Script Advanced Sensor with this Powershell script

$objWMi = get-wmiobject -namespace root\WMI -computername localhost -Query "Select * from MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature"
foreach ($obj in $objWmi)

Write-Host "<prtg>"
 Write-Host "<result>"
 Write-Host("<value>{0}</value>" -f ($obj.CurrentTemperature/100))
 Write-Host "</result>"
 Write-Host "</prtg>"
 Write-Host "<prtg>"
 Write-Host "<error>1</error>"
 Write-Host "<text>Something went wrong</text>"
 Write-Host "</prtg>"

This script (I am using the filename “temperature.ps1”) must be placed into the folder:

C:\Program Files\PRTG Network Monitor\Custom Sensors\EXEXML

Now you can add a new “EXE/Script Advanced” sensor (I would recommend adding the sensor to the probe device) and select “temperature.ps1” in the dropdown for the “EXE/Script” setting.

Author: Dirk Paessler

CEO Carbon Drawdown Initiative -- VP Negative Emissions Platform -- Founder and Chairman Paessler AG

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